Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)
Most hail and overspray is repaired through a process known as “Paintless Dent Repair” (PDR).
PDR is a specialized technique that returns a car to its pre-hail condition while preserving factory paint and panels.
Because PDR is the least invasive and fastest repair method for hail damage, it is the preferred repair method by auto manufacturers and should be the first technique utilized before defaulting to traditional repair methods.
What is Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)
Paintless dent repair (PDR) is an innovative process for repairing minor dents, dings, and hail damage that’s less invasive and faster than conventional auto body repair shops. When performed by a professional and experienced paintless dent repair technician, all of this is done without disturbing your car’s original manufacturer paint warranty.
Paintless dent repair tools to gently massage the dents and dings out from the back of the vehicles panels, restoring the damaged panel to its original shape, never disturbing the outer finish of the panel. No sanding, priming or painting is necessary with paintless dent removal.
In most cases, there is no evidence the dent ever existed.
What are the Benefits of Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)
Preserve the value of your car. When it comes time to sell your vehicle, your car will keep its pre-damaged value when repaired using the paintless dent removal method. And because paintless dent repair, when performed correctly, will also retain its original manufacturer paint warranty.
Maintain your car’s original appearance. The PDR process does not use paint, so there is no worry about matching the paint color or texture.
Save money. Get better results than conventional body work at a fraction of the cost
Save time. Minor door dents and dings can usually be repaired in just a few hours. Auto hail damage can be repaired within one to two days, as compared to the conventional auto body shop work time of one to three weeks.
Protect the environment. Because PDR does not use any paints or fillers, no hazardous chemicals are released into the environment.

Post time: Aug-09-2021